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Be a Child Safe Traveller and help protect children from abuse in tourism.

Child Safe Tourism

Our actions impact the lives of children working and living in tourist areas.

No matter where we are in the world, we each have a responsibility towards children; especially in keeping them safe from abuse. Children in tourist areas are especially vulnerable to physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Sometimes without realising it, we may do things that inadvertently keep children exposed to a cycle of abuse. So it’s important we know how to take simple actions to minimise harm to children and help create a Child Safe Tourism environment. The Child Safe Tourism campaign aims to arm us with knowledge and information on the simple things each of us can do in order to be a child safe traveller.



Find out how you can make 
a difference. 

Learn more


Be part of the change. Commit to being a Child Safe Traveller.

Make the pledge


Spread the word. Help create a wave of responsible travellers.