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Ask permission before taking photos of children | Child Safe Tourism

Child Safe Tourism

Ask permission before taking photos of children

Why is this important?

Treat children and parents with respect – just like you would at home. Always ask permission from the child and their parent or guardian before taking a photo.

Never pay children or ask them to pose for a photograph for money or gifts. This will encourage children to beg and could result in them not going to school to make money from tourists instead.

Be careful how you use and share any photographs of children, especially on social media sites. You could be responsible for their image being distributed around the internet without the knowledge or permission of the child of their parents. Child sexual exploitation, child trafficking and other crimes against children are frequently facilitated via the internet, and photography can play an unwitting role.

So what can I do instead?

Think about the reason that you want photographs of local children and whether it is really in their best interest. If you do take photographs of children, try to capture them in ways that do not show their identity and never take photos of naked children or list their locations on the internet.