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If you see or suspect child abuse when traveling report it immediately

Child Safe Tourism

If you see or suspect child abuse while travelling, report it immediately

Why is this an issue?

Children rely on adults to keep them safe from abuse. No matter where we are in the world, we each have a responsibility towards ensuring that all children are free from physical, emotional and sexual abuse.

So what can I do?

If you see a situation where you think a child is being abused or at risk of abuse (physical, emotional or sexual), report it immediately to someone who can take action to protect the child. Contact the organisations below.

Who can I contact or support?

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    National Police Hotline Cambodia

    Call 1288 or 023 997 919.

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    ChildSafe Hotline in Cambodia

    The ChildSafe Network is a Friends International initiative to establish local networks of responsible citizens that protect children living and working on the streets. If you see a child at risk, call the relevant ChildSafe hotline. 012 311 112 (Phnom Penh), 017 358 758 (Siem Reap), 012 478 100 (Sihanoukville).

    Visit site
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    Cambodia Child Helpline

    Cambodia Child Helpline provides a toll-free, national, professional phone-counselling and information service, as well as referrals and follow ups for children and concerned citizens. Call 1280 or SMS 017 985 810.

    Visit site
  1. 1

    National Police Hotline Lao PDR

    Call 1191.

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    Lao PDR Women’s Union Shelter

    Lao Women’s Union Shelter is a protection and counseling centre for women and children who are victims of physical and sexual abuse, trafficking or who are abandoned or homeless. Call 1362.

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    Prachabodi Centre, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security Hotline

    The hotline receives reports on cases of violence and abuse. They then coordinate with relevant organisations or agencies, who assist victims and witnesses with appropriate services and assistance. Call 1300.

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    ChildSafe Hotline in Thailand

    The ChildSafe Network is a Friends International initiative to establish local networks of responsible citizens that protect children living and working on the streets. If you see a child at risk, call the Bangkok ChildSafe hotline on 0869 718 861 or 1800 777 211.

    Visit site
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    Vietnam Child Helpline

    Vietnam Child Helpline provides a toll-free, national, professional phone counseling and information service, as well as referrals and follow ups for children and concerned citizens. Call 1800 1567.

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    Virtual Global Taskforce

    The Virtual Global Taskforce is an international alliance of law enforcement agencies, and other partners, working to combat online child sexual abuse.

    Visit site
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    INTERPOL is the world’s largest international police organisation and works to support police as well as facilitate international police cooperation.

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