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Don't give money to children begging or selling things on the street

Child Safe Tourism

Seek out alternatives to giving money to children begging or selling things on the street

Why is it important?

Children who live and work on the streets are especially vulnerable to physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Sometimes these children are exploited to beg or work on the street by adults. And whilst our intentions may be good, giving money directly to children only perpetuates the problem by keeping them on the streets and making them vulnerable to abuse.

So what can I do instead?

Don’t let your charitable intentions go to waste, or inadvertently make child exploitation profitable. Support enterprises that give youth and their families’ safer employment, donate to reputable children’s charities that work directly with vulnerable children, or support community-based businesses that contribute directly to improve the well-being of families and children. These actions help communities to keep children off the streets and provide them with a more conducive upbringing. Some organisations you could support are below.

Who can I contact or support?

  1. 1

    World Vision Cambodia

    World Vision Cambodia works in partnership with communities to improve the lives of some of Cambodia’s most vulnerable and marginalised children.

    Visit site
  2. 2

    Mekong Responsible Tourism Guide

    The Mekong Responsible Tourism Guide profiles community-based businesses and social enterprises throughout the region.

    Visit site
  3. 3

    Friends International

    Friends International has several retail shops and training initiatives for parents and youth across the region.

    Visit site
  1. 1

    World Vision Lao PDR

    World Vision Lao PDR works in partnership with communities to improve the lives of some of the country’s most vulnerable and marginalised children.

    Visit site
  2. 2

    Mekong Responsible Tourism Guide

    The Mekong Responsible Tourism Guide profiles community-based businesses and social enterprises throughout the region.

    Visit site
  3. 3

    Friends International

    Friends International has several retail shops and training initiatives for parents and youth across the region.

    Visit site
  1. 1

    World Vision Foundation of Thailand

    World Vision Foundation of Thailand works in partnership with communities to improve the lives of some of the country’s most vulnerable and marginalised children.

    Visit site
  2. 2

    Mekong Responsible Tourism Guide

    The Mekong Responsible Tourism Guide profiles community-based businesses and social enterprises throughout the region.

    Visit site
  3. 3

    Friends International

    Friends International has several retail shops and training initiatives for parents and youth across the region.

    Visit site
  1. 1

    World Vision Vietnam

    World Vision Vietnam works in partnership with communities to improve the lives of some of the country’s most vulnerable and marginalised children.

    Visit site
  2. 2

    Mekong Responsible Tourism Guide

    The Mekong Responsible Tourism Guide profiles community-based businesses and social enterprises throughout the region.

    Visit site
  3. 3

    KOTO (Know One, Teach One)

    KOTO is a training centre and restaurant that provides vocational opportunities to young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

    Visit site
  4. 4

    Joma Bakery Café

    Joma Bakery Café is an enterprise partner of Hagar in Vietnam and provides opportunities to women as they recover from human rights abuses.

    Visit site